Awkward Moments ~ by Tom Ragú.

Awkward Moments ~ by Tom Ragú.
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Monday, January 2, 2012

Planning The End.

I had a Comedy Vision.  I knew what I wanted when I started doing comedy (again) in 2006, and I knew what it was going to take to get there.  I learned very quickly, after opening my eyes and looking around, that I had to create my own opportunities in the comedy business. The business is filled with big comedy clubs, just waiting to place new people in their "bringer" rotation.  That is, bring us seven of your closest friends & family; have them sit in our club for $12 each; have them drink at least two of our expensive beverages; have them endure some of the worst comedians the city has to offer; have them stay for over 90 minutes; in return, we will give you six-minutes of time on stage.

Lather. Rinse. Repeat - for six years.

The sign outside Rapture Cafe at the first
show, 2007. I tried not to obsess over the
fact that "Revue" was spelled wrong.
I knew that I had create my own opportunity and start my own show. I knew what I was going to call it, and I knew that it was going to be a lineup of different comics. I knew I would host, and that each comic onstage would get at least 10-minutes in front of a supportive audience that came out to have have a good time.  A rather big luxury.

So, in 2007, "The Tom Ragú Comedy Revue" was born, in the back of  Rapture Cafe, a cute coffeehouse on Avenue A on Manhattan's Lower East Side. My entire family came. I am sure that I was fantastic (!) onstage, especially since I was competing with a cappuccino machine. 

I have such fond memories of those early days, when I was able to learn and make my mistakes without the fear of being under the microscope. And I really did learn a lot.  The Rapture Cafe closed about 18 months after the show's arrival.  The cafe's owner Joe Birdsong was such a nice guy and I was so sad to go.

The show briefly went to another venue on Avenue A, before settling in at The Stonewall Inn - January 2009.  I had a great sense of pride that I was producing a show at the world-famous Stonewall Inn.  It was the birthplace of The Gay Rights Movement in 1969, and there I was.  I was going to have a Gay Show at The Gayest Place In The World, and hundreds upon hundreds of Gay People were going to come and it was going to be a fantastic, NYC comedy destination!

Well, not quite.
Onstage at The Stonewall Inn, 2009

But ... there really were some hilarious times. There were some cool surprises. There was, of course, a little Drama. But most importantly, there was a lot of love and support and caring in that second floor showroom.  And I had some of the best times of my life on that stage.

It does sadden me that "The Tom Ragú Comedy Revue" will be coming to an end, after 5 years of shows - three of them at Stonewall Inn. After all of the anxiety-filled days; the sweat and planning each week; after all of the new friends made and lost; after all of the amazing sets and tremendous bombs; after all of the triumphs and public humiliation - many times in front of my mother; after all of the love & support; and very importantly, after growing so much as a comedian and producer - it all comes down to this?  

The end of the show?    Yes.

Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain.

But I am also excited for the future and what it holds in store for me. It is by no means the end for me. In fact, it is only the beginning of greater dreams coming true - bigger than I ever could have imagined!

So January 9, 2012.  The "Final Episode" featuring audience favorites & show regulars like Irene Bremis, Lori Sommer & Helene Angley.

The day will come.

The day will go.

And I will will thankful.

"The Final Episode" of The Tom Ragú Comedy Revue, the longest-running comedy show at The Stonewall Inn, will be on MondayJanuary 9, 2012.  The show will feature audience favorites and show regulars.  There will be refreshments, food, lots of laughs - and Mama Ragú, of course!

Showtime is 7:00pm in the 2nd floor showroom.

There is no cover - just a two-beverage minimum.

Here is the Facebook Event.

I hope to see you there.

More Pictures:

Joe Birdsong, owner of Rapture Cafe, 2007

Doug Adler in "The Tom Ragú Comedy Revue"
at Rapture Cafe, 2008
with Adam Sank at
"The Tom Ragú Comedy Revue"
with Jessica Kirson at "The Tom Ragú Comedy Revue"

with Lori Sommer at
"The Tom Ragú Comedy Revue"

with Maureen Langan at
"The Tom Ragú Comedy Revue"

with Jackson Ross Best Jr at
"The Tom Ragú Comedy Revue"
Danny Leary in "The Tom Ragú
Comedy Revue" at The Stonewall Inn.
Helene Angley in "The Tom Ragú
Comedy Revue" at The Stonewall Inn.
Juan Pablo in "The Tom Ragú
Comedy Revue" at The Stonewall Inn.